behind the scenes of the paleozoic aquarium banner
Make Dipnoi
In each of the following stages, Fleurantia is shown on the left and Scaumenacia on the right.
1, Base
Start out with a basic shape. In these cases, referred to Arratia et al.(2001), Fig.27.
In Scaumenacia, the tail fin is included in the base shape from the beginning.
making Fleurantia #01
making scaumenacia #01
2, Color scheme
A orange-like color is selected as the base color for Fleurantia, and a shading blue for Scaumenacia. The dorsal fins are attached to the body of Scaumenacia at this step.
making Fleurantia #02
making scaumenacia #02
3, Body pattern
Fleurantia is a maze pattern in the similar color as the base. What pattern should Scaumenacia be?
making Fleurantia #03
4, Lower jaw and Operculum
Attach a lower jaw and operculum to the body. Scaumenacia has no pattern yet.
making Fleurantia #04
making scaumenacia #04
5, Fins
A pair of pectral, pelvic and dorsal fins, and a anal fin are attached. The same for Scaumenacia. Finally, a polk-dot pattern is chosen for Scaumenacis.
making Fleurantia #05
making scaumenacia #05
6, Completed!
Make and attach the eyes. Finished!
The length of both are about 17 cm.
making Fleurantia #06
making scaumenacia #06